Ever wondered how the Swedish company Tonaton makes money? Typical of most classifieds they make or intend making money from premium promotions and advertisements. With extra paid options, posters who want to stand out and reach more interested buyers quickly and easily can have their ad At the top of every ad listing page, where they have up to 2 spots reserved for Top Ads. They currently provide two options for promotions via Airtel, Tigo Cash and Vouchers; 1. Top Ad This promotion gives your ad a chance to be displayed as a Top Ad over the course of 7 days. 2. Daily Bump . This promotion will move your ad up to the top of the listings once every day for 7 days. Meaning your Ad will be on top of the listings 7 times!
iSpace is a unique environment where technology startups can start up faster. We nurture a local network of like-minded and focused tech entrepreneurs, providing places where they can work, meet, collaborate, network, learn and have fun. Follow iSpace on Google+ for more updates. iSpace is gradually taking shape and would love to hear from you if you are interested in volunteering some of your time in any of the positions below. 1. Social Media Volunteer Description If you have a passion for social media and can demonstrate your understanding of social media backed up with some work experience then iSpace would love for you to join the volunteer team. This is a great position for anyone who loves digital, enjoys writing and knows a thing or two about online marketing. What you will be doing Online marketing and communications Identifying bloggers and building relationships with them Using social media to promote iSpace Building the iSpace brand onlin...